Hey, wanna hobnob with the absolute, best Chromatic people on the planet? (of course you do! 😎)
As you might know, the old forum has been closed down to any new activity. There's seventeen years worth of interesting, relevant stuff there for your perusal and/or downloading. Our new, private forum located at https://slidemeister.net is now open, but not accepting members unless they actually want to "participate," as a supporting member, list items for sale on our Classified board, swap/barter, whatever or just want to support and have a real part in what goes on here in the old "Chromatic Oasis. For that, we still have the cool (updated) support designations. 😉
Would you like the look of a cool designation below your name and above your mugshot? SlideMeister Supporters can post to the forum, get P.M.s (our personal "under the radar" messaging feature) Maybe you'd just like to be a hero by helping us keep the lights on? 😊
If any of the above interests you, just pick the designation you'd like, (support plans start at just $27 /year) and send a check or money order for the appropriate amount. Be sure to indicate "SlideMeister Donation" in the "memo/note/for" area of your check, and be sure to include your username, when you let us know "the check's in the mail," and We'll update your account immediately. For more immediate service contact me here and we'll get you hooked up. Outside the US, it still works, just a little different. For details, contact me here
Would you like the look of a cool designation below your name and above your mugshot? SlideMeister Supporters can post to the forum, get P.M.s (our personal "under the radar" messaging feature) Maybe you'd just like to be a hero by helping us keep the lights on? 😊
If any of the above interests you, just pick the designation you'd like, (support plans start at just $27 /year) and send a check or money order for the appropriate amount. Be sure to indicate "SlideMeister Donation" in the "memo/note/for" area of your check, and be sure to include your username, when you let us know "the check's in the mail," and We'll update your account immediately. For more immediate service contact me here and we'll get you hooked up. Outside the US, it still works, just a little different. For details, contact me here
FOR PROPER CREDIT, Be Sure to include your SlideMeister USERNAME with your donation.
FOR PROPER CREDIT, Be Sure to include your SlideMeister USERNAME with your donation.
Supporter Designations (scroll down or click to check them out)
We can now only accept personal checks or money orders.
Snail-mail address is:
14637 Chestnut Dr.
Newbury, Ohio 44065
Below, are the three available support designations
CHARTER MEMBER (middle of the road)
A donation of $57 to $99.99 (or equivalent*) per year
will get you:

1. A "CHARTER MEMBER" designation and distinctive, framed "mugshot" or avatar on your account. Your account will also get to wear the coveted, animated SlideMeister avatar ID on your account I.D. Yeah, I know, Whoopee- doo! but you gotta admit, it IS kinda kewell. 😎
2. Enhanced permissions & privileges on the SlideMeister forum second only to PRESIDENT'S CLUB.
3. Private Messaging*
4. Unlimited non-commercial Classified ad posting privileges on our forum including *semi-commercial ads and 5 premium ads per year on SlideMeister.com.
5. Not subject to sign-in requirement for two years.
6. CHARTER MEMBERS are also "Insiders," and also have exclusive access to the "Insiders board," (invisible to everyone else)
7. Exclusive access to our back-up track library
8. Lastly, 20% discounts on ZOOM / FaceTime, etc., coaching lessons with a.j.fedor.
2. Enhanced permissions & privileges on the SlideMeister forum second only to PRESIDENT'S CLUB.
3. Private Messaging*
4. Unlimited non-commercial Classified ad posting privileges on our forum including *semi-commercial ads and 5 premium ads per year on SlideMeister.com.
5. Not subject to sign-in requirement for two years.
6. CHARTER MEMBERS are also "Insiders," and also have exclusive access to the "Insiders board," (invisible to everyone else)
7. Exclusive access to our back-up track library
8. Lastly, 20% discounts on ZOOM / FaceTime, etc., coaching lessons with a.j.fedor.
CONTRIBUTOR (the basics)
A donation of $27.00 to $56.99 (or equivalent*) per year will get you:
1. An Up-gradable* "CONTRIBUTOR" designation above your mugshot or avatar ID on your account.
2. Enhanced permissions & privileges on the SlideMeister forum.
3. Unlimited non-commercial Classified ad posting privileges on our forum.
4. Private Messaging*
5. Not subject to sign-in requirement for one year.
6. Exclusive access to our back-up track library
CONTRIBUTOR (the basics)
A donation of $27.00 to $56.99 (or equivalent*) per year will get you:
1. An Up-gradable* "CONTRIBUTOR" designation above your mugshot or avatar ID on your account.
2. Enhanced permissions & privileges on the SlideMeister forum.
3. Unlimited non-commercial Classified ad posting privileges on our forum.
4. Private Messaging*
5. Not subject to sign-in requirement for one year.
6. Exclusive access to our back-up track library
SlideMeister President's Club (Top Of The Heap)$100
The President's/Insiders Club is our way of recognizing the select few members who donate anything valued at $100 or more. (this includes goods and /or services) This designation is for the folks who've have gone above and beyond, and we'd just like to show our appreciation in a special way. The benefits (like SlideMeister) are constantly improving 😎 and they are impressive.
For starters, things like:
1. A "PRESIDENT'S CLUB" designation and the SlideMeister animated avatar on your Mugshot or avatar on your account.
2. Private Messaging*
3. Framed mugshot, of course.
4. Not subject to sign-in requirement for two years.
7. Unlimited non-commercial Classified ad posting privileges on our forum including *semi-commercial ads and 8 premium ads per year on SlideMeister.com.
8. Have active input on SlideMeister policy features and more.
9. Provision to submit your HD performance to our Members Videos page.
10. Exclusive access to our back-up track library
11. 50 (fifty) high quality backup tracks, especially arranged and digitally produced for the Chromatic harmonica. (Actually, that's kind of a big deal. 😎)
12. Lastly, if you like, you'll get one free "coaching" (work of your technique) lesson with A.J.Fedor on ZOOM or FaceTime ($25 value) and a LIFETIME 20% discount on any subsequent coaching sessions (no limit)
For starters, things like:
1. A "PRESIDENT'S CLUB" designation and the SlideMeister animated avatar on your Mugshot or avatar on your account.
2. Private Messaging*
3. Framed mugshot, of course.
4. Not subject to sign-in requirement for two years.
7. Unlimited non-commercial Classified ad posting privileges on our forum including *semi-commercial ads and 8 premium ads per year on SlideMeister.com.
8. Have active input on SlideMeister policy features and more.
9. Provision to submit your HD performance to our Members Videos page.
10. Exclusive access to our back-up track library
11. 50 (fifty) high quality backup tracks, especially arranged and digitally produced for the Chromatic harmonica. (Actually, that's kind of a big deal. 😎)
12. Lastly, if you like, you'll get one free "coaching" (work of your technique) lesson with A.J.Fedor on ZOOM or FaceTime ($25 value) and a LIFETIME 20% discount on any subsequent coaching sessions (no limit)
Pretty Blue Fine Print ;o)
* Personal (private) "under the radar" messaging to any member of the forum.
*All of the above designations last one year from the date of donation and can be upgraded prior to expiration. Write for details.
*"Semi-commercial ads" Personal MP3 recordings, e-books, electronic media and MP3 downloads. (hard products excluded)
"or equivalent** - means any other tangible (or even intangible) thing or service deemed to be of same value to SlideMeister International Chromatic Harmonica Fellowship
Disclaimer / itty bitty fine print:
Membership in any of these groups does not grant preferential treatment in regard to the forum's rules and guidelines. Members can still be suspended or banned for SPAMMING, Flaming, etc., regardless of any donation based designation.
Note: Members who financially support SlideMeister, are not subject to normal 5 month/150 day sign-in requirement and as such, are never locked out or deleted for inactivity.