The infamous "Lobby Jazz Jam"

Back In 2007 (I believe) at a SPAH convention (I think it might have been in Columbus , OH - if anyone remembers, let me know and I'll fix this) there were a few talented harmonica players who, as they always do, picked out a spot in the lobby and jammed to some pre-recorded music. Phil Caltabellotta always brings his Bose and Jamey Abersold jazz tracks and the guys just have a go at it.
Totally impromptu (that's the most important part) but this time, to capture the event, I snuck my digital recorder into the picture. (you can see it in Val's right hand) I told Val (Phil's wife) to hold it in just that way, to make sure we got a nice stereo spread with my new stereo mic. 😎 She did a great job and stayed pretty much "frozen" in that position for almost an hour. Bless her heart!
The participants were the late great Jimmy Lohman, seen here fiddling with his MK, and Smokey Joe Leone, slippin' and slidin' on a 270, and Phil Caltabellotta as seen from the back, on a Hohner 280. It was a quiet little hallway just off the main foyer where acoustics were pretty good and there was virtually no traffic. These guys played for about forty-five minutes and I was so glad to be there, not only to hear the music but to hear them cutting up. Whatta treat! I've played it now and then over the years and it always makes me smile and marvel.
For those of you who've never made it to a SPAH, or other convention or to a get-together like Danny G's parties, you really owe it to yourself to attend one the next time one becomes available. You'll come away entertained, challenged yes, maybe and even blessed. 😁
To hear the Jazz Jam, make sure your sound is on and click the player below
Totally impromptu (that's the most important part) but this time, to capture the event, I snuck my digital recorder into the picture. (you can see it in Val's right hand) I told Val (Phil's wife) to hold it in just that way, to make sure we got a nice stereo spread with my new stereo mic. 😎 She did a great job and stayed pretty much "frozen" in that position for almost an hour. Bless her heart!
The participants were the late great Jimmy Lohman, seen here fiddling with his MK, and Smokey Joe Leone, slippin' and slidin' on a 270, and Phil Caltabellotta as seen from the back, on a Hohner 280. It was a quiet little hallway just off the main foyer where acoustics were pretty good and there was virtually no traffic. These guys played for about forty-five minutes and I was so glad to be there, not only to hear the music but to hear them cutting up. Whatta treat! I've played it now and then over the years and it always makes me smile and marvel.
For those of you who've never made it to a SPAH, or other convention or to a get-together like Danny G's parties, you really owe it to yourself to attend one the next time one becomes available. You'll come away entertained, challenged yes, maybe and even blessed. 😁
To hear the Jazz Jam, make sure your sound is on and click the player below