Welcome to Midi-Meister!
(private beta test page for Prez clubbers)
Here's where Chromatic players can come to safely download midi files that were gleaned from various free midi sites without the usual risks one takes by going to them. Midi sites are arguably the most spyware, adware, virus laded sites on the web and as such, I usually suggest that folks stay away from them. That being said, over the years, the old SlideMeister has downloaded quite few decent midis that I think do fairly well with the Chromatic harmonicas and in the process "took more than a few arrows" (viri, spybots, worms, etc just by going to some of these sites) all the file here have been previewed as suitable for Chromatic application and re-scanned for "creepy-crawlers" and are both safe and fun to play with. Files are in their original keys and tempos and instrumentation, however, I highly suggest you download a free program called Harpin-midi (no financial affiliation- yet) With it, you can edit and modify midi files, change keys, tempo, and much more. For about 20 bucks, you can get a licensed copy of that same program that will allow you to save your work.
I have a pretty good "liberry/collection" of midis around here that I can start uploading to this page I don't however have a player :o( They have to be downloaded. Download Rise and see how it works :o)
Here, I may put a modified example of a midi file to show what can be done with Harpin-midi.