Back in the late nineties, I had just become aware of harmonica "newsgroups" as they were called back then;"bulletin boards" were pretty much out, and "blogs" and forums were still unheard of. That was exciting, and I quickly found all the popular newsgroups and signed up for all of them. Soon afterward I noticed a disturbing trend; while they claimed to "embrace" all harmonicas, they were all but devoid of any Chromatic content. Much to my dismay, I read posts that actually dissed members who wanted to discuss Chromatics.
I know there are those who will disagree, but there are just as many who know exactly what I'm talking about. Most of my life, the only thing I disliked more than reading, was having to read stuff I disliked! After combing through literally thousands of "five hole overblow," "Little Walter worship" and "JT-30" threads in search of a Chromatic morsel, I became discouraged. I asked the few Chromatic friends I had if they knew of site that had any substantial amount of Chromatic content and was told there were none. All I knew about computers back then was how to use a DOS version of WordStar to write letters to churches (for my ministry) Even Windows was pretty much foreign to me.
Okay, I suppose I am a dinosaur; I happen to like the Chromatic better than the other kind; but that's my right, right? Well, with that in mind, I decided that I would start my own Chromatic group. The big difference would be that I would be very "up front" about the format. Rather than lie, and say "we talk about ALL harmonicas" and then bury Chromatic content under tons of diatonic stuff, I said that my group would only discuss Chromatics. I honestly thought that the "harp groups" would welcome the idea of getting rid of the Chromatic "riff-raff" so they could talk about bending notes and stuff. I figured I would get between twenty and fifty silly Chromatic players, who'd discuss Chromatic stuff for a couple months and then I'd close the group when we ran out of material. Really!
Initially, I got some help from the late great Paul "Doc" Van derSijde, and G (AKA Greg Dyre) who told some of their Chromatic friends about the new group. We had forty members in just a few days. Soon afterwards, the word got out and Chromatic players around the world started joining this unique new group.
Up until this time, we were just a little bunch of Chromatic players. When our numbers reached about three hundred, a strange thing was happening; we were out-posting the other "harp groups" that had a thousand plus members. Soon afterward, we began to notice an insurgence of so called "Chromatic" players from the "harp groups" (who "also happened to play diatonics") but were obviously more liberal and enlightened, and not mean-spirited, close-minded and bigoted as I was. These guys soon began posting complaints about the "draconian rules" against diatonic discussion on SlideMeister. These "Chromatic players" who never seemed to notice the lack of Chromatic content on the "harp groups" were now keenly interested in the lack of diatonic content on SlideMeister, and were more or less demanding "equal time." Hmmmm! The fact that we purposely started an exclusively Chromatic group somehow meant nothing to these guys, who showed up, lied to get in; by agreeing to the rules against challenging policy, then began to complain and challenge policy on list.
Instead of continuing to ride the back of the bus, we simply got our own bus.
In no uncertain terms, I was expected to compromise with the complainers. In other words: "do it their way." I didn't. When I didn't, I was called a Nazi, "The Feur" "The Ayatollah," a bully, close minded an authoritarian and a bunch of other things on my own list yet! What's up with that?? So I kicked a couple of them out, others threatened to leave, so let them do so, and others stomped off in a huff. Buh-Bye! For the first few years, every six months or so, it would start up again, and I'd have to kick a few more out. The bottom line here is: I Don't care! Hey, if everyone left, I'd just close it down and that would be that.
SlideMeister is a Chromatic group, period! (as in preoccupied with that button on the end) I have no problem with folks who want to make their diatonic sould like a Chromatic, or their Chromatic sound like a diatonic; I'm just an old school Chromatic player satisfied with the clean sound of a Chromatic, that snaps from one note to another, and doesn't sound like an out of tune "slide whistle." Guess I'm just funny that way. When I'm in the mood, I have fun playing my diatonics. (yes, contrary to popular belief, I have a big box o' suck harps - I especially like the Suzuki pros, FireBreath and Manji's) I play blues diatonic as well (or as badly - its hard to tell) as the average working blues band musicians, but my priorities (and SlideMeister's priorities) are always going to be "Slide" "Chromatic" and of course the orchestral counterparts - bass, chord and Harmonetta.
With my beloved Chromatic arguably on the fast track to "Harpsichord City," I decided to do anything I could to help prevent that from happening , or at the very least, help put it off as long as possible, and an "All Chromatic" discussion group (totally unheard of) seemed more to me like "equal time" than anything else. (still does :o) Hey, at least we're honest about our bias.
In 1999, I started at SlideMeister@Egroups, which was soon bought by YahooGroups, which got so big (like anything the government takes over) it took a week to get a question answered, which, if not completely ignored was answered with a form letter that said to "read the FAQS" So, in November of 2007, we opened our own site at Since then, we've added and
If we were out for numbers, we'd have well over five thousand by now, but we don't because I actually like to clear out the "dead wood" every couple months. Nothin' personal, but if you don't post; you can do just as well as a "Guest" so you're outtahere! There's nothing wrong with being a guest. As it is, we average about a 15:1 "guest to member" ratio at any given time. Even with a relatively small membership, we still manage to out-post every other group out there, and post per member ratio is twenty times that of any other group.
See what happend to the guy who hates to read? ;o/
Will that ever change? Who knows; but SlideMeister won't. :o)
I know there are those who will disagree, but there are just as many who know exactly what I'm talking about. Most of my life, the only thing I disliked more than reading, was having to read stuff I disliked! After combing through literally thousands of "five hole overblow," "Little Walter worship" and "JT-30" threads in search of a Chromatic morsel, I became discouraged. I asked the few Chromatic friends I had if they knew of site that had any substantial amount of Chromatic content and was told there were none. All I knew about computers back then was how to use a DOS version of WordStar to write letters to churches (for my ministry) Even Windows was pretty much foreign to me.
Okay, I suppose I am a dinosaur; I happen to like the Chromatic better than the other kind; but that's my right, right? Well, with that in mind, I decided that I would start my own Chromatic group. The big difference would be that I would be very "up front" about the format. Rather than lie, and say "we talk about ALL harmonicas" and then bury Chromatic content under tons of diatonic stuff, I said that my group would only discuss Chromatics. I honestly thought that the "harp groups" would welcome the idea of getting rid of the Chromatic "riff-raff" so they could talk about bending notes and stuff. I figured I would get between twenty and fifty silly Chromatic players, who'd discuss Chromatic stuff for a couple months and then I'd close the group when we ran out of material. Really!
Initially, I got some help from the late great Paul "Doc" Van derSijde, and G (AKA Greg Dyre) who told some of their Chromatic friends about the new group. We had forty members in just a few days. Soon afterwards, the word got out and Chromatic players around the world started joining this unique new group.
Up until this time, we were just a little bunch of Chromatic players. When our numbers reached about three hundred, a strange thing was happening; we were out-posting the other "harp groups" that had a thousand plus members. Soon afterward, we began to notice an insurgence of so called "Chromatic" players from the "harp groups" (who "also happened to play diatonics") but were obviously more liberal and enlightened, and not mean-spirited, close-minded and bigoted as I was. These guys soon began posting complaints about the "draconian rules" against diatonic discussion on SlideMeister. These "Chromatic players" who never seemed to notice the lack of Chromatic content on the "harp groups" were now keenly interested in the lack of diatonic content on SlideMeister, and were more or less demanding "equal time." Hmmmm! The fact that we purposely started an exclusively Chromatic group somehow meant nothing to these guys, who showed up, lied to get in; by agreeing to the rules against challenging policy, then began to complain and challenge policy on list.
Instead of continuing to ride the back of the bus, we simply got our own bus.
In no uncertain terms, I was expected to compromise with the complainers. In other words: "do it their way." I didn't. When I didn't, I was called a Nazi, "The Feur" "The Ayatollah," a bully, close minded an authoritarian and a bunch of other things on my own list yet! What's up with that?? So I kicked a couple of them out, others threatened to leave, so let them do so, and others stomped off in a huff. Buh-Bye! For the first few years, every six months or so, it would start up again, and I'd have to kick a few more out. The bottom line here is: I Don't care! Hey, if everyone left, I'd just close it down and that would be that.
SlideMeister is a Chromatic group, period! (as in preoccupied with that button on the end) I have no problem with folks who want to make their diatonic sould like a Chromatic, or their Chromatic sound like a diatonic; I'm just an old school Chromatic player satisfied with the clean sound of a Chromatic, that snaps from one note to another, and doesn't sound like an out of tune "slide whistle." Guess I'm just funny that way. When I'm in the mood, I have fun playing my diatonics. (yes, contrary to popular belief, I have a big box o' suck harps - I especially like the Suzuki pros, FireBreath and Manji's) I play blues diatonic as well (or as badly - its hard to tell) as the average working blues band musicians, but my priorities (and SlideMeister's priorities) are always going to be "Slide" "Chromatic" and of course the orchestral counterparts - bass, chord and Harmonetta.
With my beloved Chromatic arguably on the fast track to "Harpsichord City," I decided to do anything I could to help prevent that from happening , or at the very least, help put it off as long as possible, and an "All Chromatic" discussion group (totally unheard of) seemed more to me like "equal time" than anything else. (still does :o) Hey, at least we're honest about our bias.
In 1999, I started at SlideMeister@Egroups, which was soon bought by YahooGroups, which got so big (like anything the government takes over) it took a week to get a question answered, which, if not completely ignored was answered with a form letter that said to "read the FAQS" So, in November of 2007, we opened our own site at Since then, we've added and
If we were out for numbers, we'd have well over five thousand by now, but we don't because I actually like to clear out the "dead wood" every couple months. Nothin' personal, but if you don't post; you can do just as well as a "Guest" so you're outtahere! There's nothing wrong with being a guest. As it is, we average about a 15:1 "guest to member" ratio at any given time. Even with a relatively small membership, we still manage to out-post every other group out there, and post per member ratio is twenty times that of any other group.
See what happend to the guy who hates to read? ;o/
Will that ever change? Who knows; but SlideMeister won't. :o)
FAQS & other tid-bits
Stand by - - - in the works :o)
This website (
This website is not "SlideMeister" but rather, a picture of what SlideMeister is all about. SlideMeister International Chromatic Harmonica Fellowship (SlideMeister for short) is an organization of Chromatic players, ranging from professionals to newbies, who want to "fellowship" around this particular type of harmonica without being forced to include subject matter about which they have little or no interest.
What is SlideMeister?
SlideMeister is a free, online forum for chromatic harmonica enthusiasts of all skill levels, from recording professionals to players just discovering the versatility of Chromatic harmonicas and the fun of playing them.
What are its goals?
To promote Chromatic harmonica playing and provide a place for enthusiasts, amateur and professional, to read and submit messages about learning, playing, buying, repairing and enjoying the chromatic harmonica. We are proud to include among our members a number of recording professionals as well as many talented amateurs.
Is SlideMeister really "anti-diatonic?"
After 14 years of answering that question with a solid "No!" and still being called a "diatonic hater," I don't even care what they think anymore. The behavioral similarities between harmonica devotees and right & left wing politics is so similar that it's scary.
Who VISITS SlideMeister Forum?
On any given day, SlideMeister has a guest-to-member ratio ranging from 5-to-1 to 20-to-1. Guests can explore our various boards and read what interests them. SlideMeister is divided up into easy-to-read and easy-to-find boards to minimize search times and maximize efficiency. When indicated, management moves, modifies or even terminates threads that threaten the efficiency of the forum and/or the sensibilities of the members.
Who JOINS SlideMeister Forum?
1. Guests who either know, or want to know "members" get that "Guests" don't.
2. Guests who, after reading a while, realize SlideMeister is the friendliest, most helpful harmonica group on the web.
3. Guests who realize we're all just here to have fun.
4. Guests who are actually looking for a friendly wholesome form with rules.
5. Brand new players with legitimate questions, and in a hurry for answers.
6. People who are referred by SlideMeister members.
7. People who are personally invited by SlideMeister management
"I've heard it said that SlideMeister has a reputation of being "Archaic and authoritarian with arbitrary rules" is that true?"
Well, yeah, if you like bad language, chaos, flaming, backbiting, criticising forum rules and stuff, I guess I might be considered an old fuddy-duddy who believes in some sort of structure, with some rules here and there. Certain stuff just isn't, and will never be allowed, regardless of who calls me what. :o) The difference with SlideMeister is that I actually enforce the rules; which brings us to:
Can one get kicked out of SlideMeister?
It takes a real meatball to qualify, but Absolutely, you can get kicked out of SlideMeister! Historically, the most popular way to be "shown the door" is not to challenge the rules, but rather to do it 'on line." I guess that's where the "authoritarian" part comes in. All the rules are plainly listed in the "Registration Agreement" that no one ever reads, but everyone "clicks on" to say they read them, and then are surprised when they get a note from me in regard to an infraction. The problem arises when, rather than correspond with me in regard to the problem, they take the dirty laundry to the group supposing it will be tolerated the way it is on the other groups, and in many cases, before anyone can even hear their complaint about some perceived unfairness, they feel the door hitting their backsides. That being said, (in all fairness) it has always been done quietly and without fanfare. Folks may just notice that a certain loudmouth isn't posting anymore, but I never discuss the details. (I let the "Harp-Groups" groups discuss it :o)
Some have been kicked out for insisting on bringing politics into a discussion and refusing to stop when asked. One was a Berkeley college professor who was used to always having the last word in the classroom, he couldn't handle being told that we weren't his students. Then there are those who think they're "all that" and that they walk on water or something. Last year I had a couple different guys say they were the best players on the group and that I should be grateful that they graced us with their presents. (No kidding. I'm serious as a heart attack!) Times like that, I can't click my "you're outtahere" button hard enough! For the record: no one is, or will ever be that good! Yes, it takes a very special type to get kicked out, but it can happen.
Kicked out for SPAMMING?
Oh yeah, that goes without even saying. However, in the case of SPAMMERS, we DO, like fanfare. We like to tell the world who they are. Heck, I even post their i.p addresses and anything else I know about them. The cool part is we all hate SPAMMERS on SlideMeister. For that reason, our members usually catch the SPAMMERS and rat'em out before I even get to see it. :o) Cool, huh?
Member or Guest? What's the difference?
There is a big difference. A guest is just that: a stranger that's allowed to move around in a house he/she doesn't live in. As such, there are plenty of places he/she cannot go, things they cannot see and certainly things they cannot touch and as a result, the "guest' never learns what places and features that are being missed.
Membership starts off as a "Fly on the wall." The Fly on the Wall" is the new member with less than fifteen posts. What some never learn is that a "Fly of The Wall" is almost identical to a Guest, in regard to boards, features and permissions that are available to them. This is probably why, when I "prune" the list every month, the "Flies on The Wall" are usually the only ones I remove. These folks have been "Members" for six months and have never even found out what the group has to offer simply because they never got their fifteen posts in.
Another way to be removed even quicker is to sign up, get approved and never even sign in. I toss these folks out in thirty days or so. Again, we don't need "numbers," as much as we like members.
What's actually required of SlideMeister members?
Not much at all; just that they "sign in" once every six months. That's it! You aren't even required to post; just sign in with your username and password. How simple is that? :o)
What's it cost to be a SlideMeister Member?
Nothing! SlideMeister is a free resource that blatantly promotes the advancement the Chromatic harmonica.
This website (
This website is not "SlideMeister" but rather, a picture of what SlideMeister is all about. SlideMeister International Chromatic Harmonica Fellowship (SlideMeister for short) is an organization of Chromatic players, ranging from professionals to newbies, who want to "fellowship" around this particular type of harmonica without being forced to include subject matter about which they have little or no interest.
What is SlideMeister?
SlideMeister is a free, online forum for chromatic harmonica enthusiasts of all skill levels, from recording professionals to players just discovering the versatility of Chromatic harmonicas and the fun of playing them.
What are its goals?
To promote Chromatic harmonica playing and provide a place for enthusiasts, amateur and professional, to read and submit messages about learning, playing, buying, repairing and enjoying the chromatic harmonica. We are proud to include among our members a number of recording professionals as well as many talented amateurs.
Is SlideMeister really "anti-diatonic?"
After 14 years of answering that question with a solid "No!" and still being called a "diatonic hater," I don't even care what they think anymore. The behavioral similarities between harmonica devotees and right & left wing politics is so similar that it's scary.
Who VISITS SlideMeister Forum?
On any given day, SlideMeister has a guest-to-member ratio ranging from 5-to-1 to 20-to-1. Guests can explore our various boards and read what interests them. SlideMeister is divided up into easy-to-read and easy-to-find boards to minimize search times and maximize efficiency. When indicated, management moves, modifies or even terminates threads that threaten the efficiency of the forum and/or the sensibilities of the members.
Who JOINS SlideMeister Forum?
1. Guests who either know, or want to know "members" get that "Guests" don't.
2. Guests who, after reading a while, realize SlideMeister is the friendliest, most helpful harmonica group on the web.
3. Guests who realize we're all just here to have fun.
4. Guests who are actually looking for a friendly wholesome form with rules.
5. Brand new players with legitimate questions, and in a hurry for answers.
6. People who are referred by SlideMeister members.
7. People who are personally invited by SlideMeister management
"I've heard it said that SlideMeister has a reputation of being "Archaic and authoritarian with arbitrary rules" is that true?"
Well, yeah, if you like bad language, chaos, flaming, backbiting, criticising forum rules and stuff, I guess I might be considered an old fuddy-duddy who believes in some sort of structure, with some rules here and there. Certain stuff just isn't, and will never be allowed, regardless of who calls me what. :o) The difference with SlideMeister is that I actually enforce the rules; which brings us to:
Can one get kicked out of SlideMeister?
It takes a real meatball to qualify, but Absolutely, you can get kicked out of SlideMeister! Historically, the most popular way to be "shown the door" is not to challenge the rules, but rather to do it 'on line." I guess that's where the "authoritarian" part comes in. All the rules are plainly listed in the "Registration Agreement" that no one ever reads, but everyone "clicks on" to say they read them, and then are surprised when they get a note from me in regard to an infraction. The problem arises when, rather than correspond with me in regard to the problem, they take the dirty laundry to the group supposing it will be tolerated the way it is on the other groups, and in many cases, before anyone can even hear their complaint about some perceived unfairness, they feel the door hitting their backsides. That being said, (in all fairness) it has always been done quietly and without fanfare. Folks may just notice that a certain loudmouth isn't posting anymore, but I never discuss the details. (I let the "Harp-Groups" groups discuss it :o)
Some have been kicked out for insisting on bringing politics into a discussion and refusing to stop when asked. One was a Berkeley college professor who was used to always having the last word in the classroom, he couldn't handle being told that we weren't his students. Then there are those who think they're "all that" and that they walk on water or something. Last year I had a couple different guys say they were the best players on the group and that I should be grateful that they graced us with their presents. (No kidding. I'm serious as a heart attack!) Times like that, I can't click my "you're outtahere" button hard enough! For the record: no one is, or will ever be that good! Yes, it takes a very special type to get kicked out, but it can happen.
Kicked out for SPAMMING?
Oh yeah, that goes without even saying. However, in the case of SPAMMERS, we DO, like fanfare. We like to tell the world who they are. Heck, I even post their i.p addresses and anything else I know about them. The cool part is we all hate SPAMMERS on SlideMeister. For that reason, our members usually catch the SPAMMERS and rat'em out before I even get to see it. :o) Cool, huh?
Member or Guest? What's the difference?
There is a big difference. A guest is just that: a stranger that's allowed to move around in a house he/she doesn't live in. As such, there are plenty of places he/she cannot go, things they cannot see and certainly things they cannot touch and as a result, the "guest' never learns what places and features that are being missed.
Membership starts off as a "Fly on the wall." The Fly on the Wall" is the new member with less than fifteen posts. What some never learn is that a "Fly of The Wall" is almost identical to a Guest, in regard to boards, features and permissions that are available to them. This is probably why, when I "prune" the list every month, the "Flies on The Wall" are usually the only ones I remove. These folks have been "Members" for six months and have never even found out what the group has to offer simply because they never got their fifteen posts in.
Another way to be removed even quicker is to sign up, get approved and never even sign in. I toss these folks out in thirty days or so. Again, we don't need "numbers," as much as we like members.
What's actually required of SlideMeister members?
Not much at all; just that they "sign in" once every six months. That's it! You aren't even required to post; just sign in with your username and password. How simple is that? :o)
What's it cost to be a SlideMeister Member?
Nothing! SlideMeister is a free resource that blatantly promotes the advancement the Chromatic harmonica.
How do I get out?
Easy, just delete your account
What do I have to share in my profile?
Whatever you'd like. Keep as private as the proverbial churchmouse, or tell all. You can share your email address, ICQ, AIM, MSN, YIM, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Youtube and even your DeviantArt (whatever that is) right from your posts, or not.
Forum Features
Can be customized to your liking.
How do I get in?
Just click the button below and on the next screen, click on "register" at the top left just above the word: "forever.".
Easy, just delete your account
What do I have to share in my profile?
Whatever you'd like. Keep as private as the proverbial churchmouse, or tell all. You can share your email address, ICQ, AIM, MSN, YIM, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Youtube and even your DeviantArt (whatever that is) right from your posts, or not.
Forum Features
Can be customized to your liking.
How do I get in?
Just click the button below and on the next screen, click on "register" at the top left just above the word: "forever.".